One World Countless Stories

#5 Mikayla Burkart’s Story: Discovering Who You Are and Choosing To Do What You Love To Do Instead Of What Everyone Else Wants You To Do

Episode Notes

In this episode Mikayla talks about her life and how her learning struggles shaped who she is today. Mikayla is an only child and has had a great childhood. She played a lot of sports growing up, with ringette being her main sport. Mikayla and I have known each other since we were young through ringette! We were never truly best friends until she came to Foothills Academy school! 

Mikayla started experiencing mental health and different challenges in high school. She would never go to class and pretend that she was sick so she didn't have to go. After a lot of struggles Mikayla and her parents decided that she should get tested for learning disabilities. It turns out that she had a few learning disabilities like dyscalculia, ADD, a little bit of ADHD, and poor working memory. When she was tested they then looked into schools that would help her. She ended up choosing Foothills Academy in Calgary which made the world of a difference as the teachers understood and took time to get to know her.

 Everything didn't fall into place magically once going to Foothills Academy School but it definitely helped her to learn with different tools. As she approached graduation she had decided that she wanted to be a nurse. Although she did not have the grades for it she did not give up. After graduating in 2018 she decided to attend Mount Royal, she ended up getting overwhelmed and dropped most of her classes. Then she decided to attend Bow Valley College for a nursing program but it wasn't going well either. Then to make the situation worse covid-19 hit and her motivation decreased even more. As she was feeling depressed and lonely she turned to her art. She realized that she was no longer happy doing school and decided to drop out. Now she's doing something that she loves and is planning on going to SAIT to pursue her natural artistic talents. 

If you want to get in touch with Mikayla  or learn more about her you can contact her on Instagram @burkartsketches or her Tik Tok


Connect with me on Instagram, Facebook, and TIK TOk ! If you have a story you would like to share with the world!

Sending love and joy your way!

Selina Novello