One World Countless Stories

#21 Storytime with Selina: Let's Talk About Social Media, Fear Of Judgment, Likes, And How To Make Your Social Media More Positive

Episode Notes

According to a source on Tik Tok we are now in the TOP 1% OF PODCASTS!!! Since there are 21 episodes of the One World Countless Stories we qualify!!! How does that work???? Well, this source says that the 2 Million people who make a podcast don't make it to 20 episodes so when you do you are in the Top 1%!! Whether this is true or not, it's fun to think and celebrate the progress of the podcast! 


In this episode, I talked about my experiences with social media and at the end give you strategies on how to make your social media a more positive place! So you can start leaving your Instagram feeling happier and inspired vs feeling down on yourself! The most important thing I talked about was comparison is the killer of joy and when making changes and shifts we need to be gentle with ourselves! I also talked about some of the toxic behaviors I developed over time because I grew up on Instagram!


Topics Discussed: 

- Top 1% of podcasts 

- My social media journey 

- Fear of judgment 

- Shifting and growing with social media 

- Hype House (Famous TikTokers) 

- The D'Amelio Show

- Effects of social media 

- Instagram 

- Pressure 

- Stopped posting because of insecurities 

- Mentors pushing me to post

- Overthinking 

- Addiction

- Social media consuming my life 

- Notifications

- Toxic behavior

- Vulnerable + highlights on social media

- Comparison 

- Worth attached to results on social media 

- Instagram vs TikTok

- How do you feel when you leave social media

- Un-following

- Strategies to make your social media more positive  

- Giving yourself grace 

If you want to continue the conversation or share your own story please reach out to me! Your voice is important and the world needs to hear your story! 

Connect with me on Instagram, Facebook, TIK TOK, and now YOUTUBE!!! You can now watch all the interviews on my youtube channel! If you have a story you would like to share with the world, reach out to me!

Sending love and joy your way!

Selina Novello