One World Countless Stories

#1 Selina Novello’s Story: Turning Learning Disabilities Into Superpowers

Episode Notes

I thought the best way to start the podcast off would be to share my story! I am going to bring you through surfacing events in my life thus far that have shaped me into who I am today! My childhood was great! I was a very happy kid with two loving parents. I have three siblings that have tested me but I always know that they have my back! 

My struggles started at a young age with learning issues. I had to redo kindergarten and couldn’t remember much after what I learnt after a full day of school. Luckily I had my parents who taught me after school everyday. In grade 6 I got tested for learning disabilities for the second time. Finally, then I was diagnosed with dyslexia, poor working memory, and high anxiety. Once these were identified I was able to go to a school called Foothills Academy where I learnt that my disabilities were actually my abilities! 

“Your Learning Disabilities are nothing to be ashamed of. It is your superpower! My disability is actually my ability to do so many great things! It’s okay I learn differently! My mindset changed to thinking I was dumb and couldn’t learn to I am smart and I have a gift. I have something that is special about me and when I realized this then everything changed!”

Going through high school there were many issues with friends and coping with mental health issues. I share what I did as my extracurricular activities and how I started my own business at 16. I talk about my grade 12 dream of becoming valedictorian that got taken away from me and my year ended early due to the pandemic. I am extremely grateful for all the good and bad experiences I have had and I am so excited I can share this with others to inspire and motivate! 


Connect with me on Instagram, Facebook, and TIK TOk.

Sending love and joy your way!

Selina Novello